Protecting our environment is important to us and is a part of our management plan because we value it so highly. Please read our Environmental Management Plan below. We ask clients of the marina to read it as this plan is strictly enforced. Fenwicks is an EPA Licensed site.
PLEASE READ OUR Pollution Incident Response Management Plan below.
Fenwicks Marina has been awarded a Level 3 Clean Marinas Australia status. This is a national, voluntary accreditation system for marinas, yacht clubs, boat clubs, slipways, boatyards and associated industry operators across Australia.
In 2009 Fenwicks Marina participated in the Energy Efficiency for Small Business Program. Fenwicks joined the program with a view to reduce our impact on the environment and reduce energy costs. The marina was assessed by consultants from Global Sustainability Initiatives and their recommendations were implemented throughout the year. This has resulted in an energy saving of 15802 kWh and greenhouse gas savings 12.9 tonnes CO2 per year.
In 2008 Fenwicks received an Achievement Award within the Environmental Sustainability category from the NSW Government Sustainability Green Globe Awards.
A waste water treatment plant was installed in 2004. At the end of February 2016 after over 11 years of operation, the pump has worked for 4,730 hours and processed approximately 5.5 million litres of water for wash-downs. This water is used at the marina for repairs and maintenance. This is a huge saving on the use of public water.
For any concerns about Fenwicks Marina’s Operation and Environmental performance, please report these on 02 9985 7633 (Andrew Fenwick). If you wish to make a complaint outside our office hours please leave a voice message or email andrew@fenwicksmarina.com.au
Fenwicks Marina is proud to be an accredited Clean Marina and Fish Friendly Marina
