Mon - Fri: 8am - 5pm
Sat & Sun: 9am - 4pm

By Road, take the Brooklyn Exit off the M1 at Hawkesbury River Bridge and proceed on to the Pacific Hwy over the river and 200 metres to Brooklyn Road. Turn left into Brooklyn Road The Marina is exactly one kilometre on the left hand side of Brooklyn Road and is sign-posted.
By Water – GPS Co-ordinates are: South 33Р32' 930; East 151Р12' 102
Follow starboard markers from channel entrance between Long Island and Kangaroo Point. About 200 metres past the 3rd marker you should be in front of the marina, turn right and head directly towards the outer tee head. If you ring on approach we are happy to guide you in and advise where to moor your boat. This will also give one of our staff the opportunity to be at the pen to assist you.
NOTE: There is a 38’ (11.8m clearance at the rail bridge at mean high tide (1.5m).